Автор: Ефанова Ольга Борисовна Должность: преподаватель английского языка Учебное заведение: СПб ГБПОУ Техникум " Автосервис" (МЦПК) Населённый пункт: г. Санкт-Петербург Наименование материала: конспект Тема: тема: You must not smoking Раздел: высшее образование
Практическая (обучающая)
Научить вести дискуссию на английском языке.
Научить составлять монологическое высказывание.
Повторить лингвастрановедческий материал.
Формировать навыки и умения иноязычного общения.
Показать уровень владения ин.яз. выпускниками.
Приучать к самостоятельному творческому поиску необходимой информации и фактов
в реальных условиях.
Научить анализировать, делать выводы, обобщения.
Способствовать формированию действенного интереса к предмету и учению в целом.
Развивать мышление, память, воображение, внимание, речь.
Раскрыть творческие способности.
Расширить кругозор учащихся.
Формировать целостное представление о мире.
Осуществить межкультурную коммуникацию.
Способствовать усвоения и пониманию чужой речи к части культуры этих стран.
Формировать гражданско-политические взгляды и убеждения общественную актив-
ность, нравственность, эстетическую культуру.
Сопутствующая задача: развитие навыков аудирования.
Ход урока
Начало урока.
1. Приветствие.
T: - Morning, everybody. I’m glad to see you in this classroom. How are you today?
Вступительное слово учителя.
For the last several lessons we have been discussing the problem of health.
Основная часть.
1. Фонетическая зарядка. “Good and Bad Habits” (Слайд 2)
T: - And now let’s remember the material of the previous lessons. The students from the 9
“b” form
will name good habits they know, and the students from the 9
“f-m” form will name bad habits they know
Командная игра «Кто больше».
(Команды по очереди дают по одной привычке по своей теме. Команда, назвавшая хорошую
или плохую привычку последней, считается победителем). После игры по слайду проверяют, все ли
привычки дети вспомнили.
Good: (1 команда) Bad: (2 команда)
-exercising - smoking
-training -drinking alcohol
-doing sports -eating sweets
-eating law fat food -skipping breakfast
-eating high fibre food -snacking
-eating wholemeal bread -sleeping too much or too little
-eating vegetables -eating a lot of salt
-eating more fresh fruit -eating between meals
2. Введение в тему урока:
(Мотивирующее коммуникативное задание). ( Слайд 3 )
T: - What will you advise the teenager who: (use proverbs)
-doesn’t like fruit
-goes to bed late at night
-prefers chips and hamburgers
-thinks аbоut food all day through
The proverbs:
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
The first wealth is health.
Live not to eat but eat to live.
T: - Gleband Ivanare going to show you a scene about one modern bad habit.
L. Do you often smoke?
D. Yes, I always smoke. And I like it.
M. But why do you smoke? It’s dangerous. It causes heart diseases, a cough and many other bad
things. Don’t you know that?
D. Yes, I agree. But I like smoking. It helps me to relax. I’ve been smoking since 12.
L. But you should think about your future. You should pay more attention to your health. And be-
sides it always makes your clothes and hair smell.
D. You see, all my friends are smokers and I don’t want to be the odd one out.
M. Do you know that smoking makes teeth yellow and skin unhealthy?
D. Yes, but you live only once, don’t you. So, why not enjoy yourself? As for dieting it’s very dan-
gerous. Besides I can’t stop myself eating chocolate bars, ice-cream and the like. Why should I give up such
tasty things?
L. Dieting is not dangerous when you have a balanced diet?
D. May be. I’ll try it.
M. Good luck.
T: - Whatare we going to speak about?
Right. Smoking is one of most dangerous bad habits in modern world. And now I suggest you to
take part in our talk-show which is called “I choose life”.
Let me open our talk-show.
Программа ток-шоу
“Я выбираю жизнь”
Ход внеклассного мероприятия
(Звучит песня Л.Армстронга “What A Wonderful World”)
Вступительное слово ведущего:
- Youth… What a wonderful time, full of romantics, inspiration, search, disappointment, finds!
- You are joining grown up life. You begin to recognize it. It’s very difficult to be young, we know.
- You are our future. We can’t agree that the whole generation is dying before our eyes.
- We want to know your view on bad habits especially smoking, your opinion, your recommendations
how to improve something in the life of our country & town.
Аргументы «за» и «против» курения вообще:
Т: The problem of smoking is really serious nowadays. Half the men and the quarter of the women in
the world today indulge in the harmful habit of smoking. Besides, studies of school age children indicate that
initiation of daily smoking is highest among junior high school students (about ages 12-14). Look at the
screen, please.
We have a guest in our TV studio. This is a professional sportsman Dim Razetdinov. Let’s give to
him permission to speak.
Р1: Out of a thousand smokers of 20 cigarettes a day, one will be murdered, six will be killed on the
roads, and about 130 will die prematurely because of their smoking.
Р2: If you decide to give up smoking and drinking, you don’t actually live longer; it just seems longer.
Р3: Teenagers begin to smoke because they think it’s cool and because they think they look grown-up.
The cigarette is a symbol of defiance and an attack an authority.
Аргументы: рак:
Т: Medical problems associated with smoking tobacco are heart disease, cancer, lung disease, eating
disorders and many others. Let’s watch next video.
P1: Smoking causes bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer. Statistics shows that smokers
are 22 times more likely to die of lung cancer than non-smokers. In fact, 30% of all cancer deaths are caused
by smoking. But nicotine is not the only bad thing in cigarettes, there are over 400 chemicals in one cigarette
that are known to be harmful. So, a smoker really suffers harm breathing in tobacco smoke.
Question: What sources of information did you use? Are they reliable?
P2: More than that, 35% of all heart-disease deaths are caused by smoking. By the way, heart disease
is now the number-one killer in our country. Besides, nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Seven out
of ten smokers want to quit but can’t. Many people think they can easily give up smoking whenever they de -
cide on. That’s hardy possible. There is also psychological dependence on smoking.
Question: Do any of your close relatives smoke? How long? Do they have any problem with health (I
mean heart disease, lungs, and bronchial troubles)?
P3: I dare to say that smoking doesn’t do much harm to people’s health and we can give you some op-
posite justifications. To begin with, there is no accurate information about a definite link between smoking
and the number of smokers died of lung cancer, heart disease or bronchial troubles. The data published in the
Internet can’t be reliable because they are not checked.
P4: Smoking doesn’t deserve punishment as it is not evil. It helps people to relax and it’s excellent for
relieving stress, there. Besides, smoking promotes to becoming slim. What is more, there are some “safe”
cigarettes with filter that have a low level of nicotine (such as Winston, Salem). It follows from this that
smoking doesn’t do much harm to people’s health.
Аргументы: влияние курения на внешность:
Т: We know that smoking influences people’s appearance. Look at the screen, please.
Аргументы: влияние курения на беременность:
Т: The harm of tobacco smoke on women should be especially emphasized. In particular smoking
may affect the course of pregnancy.Look at the screen, please.
We have another guest in our TV studio. This is a most wonderful and beautiful actress of our time
Yakusheva Kathrine. Let’s give her the floor.
Аргументы «за» и «против» пассивного курения:
T: What do you think about second hand-smoking. Do you think that it needs to be stopped?
P1: It is not news that second-hand smoking influences those next to us, especially our children. It is
acceptable that one smokes and it is not a crime as long as that person knows the consequences of it and is
ready to face the future health problems. But if you smoke in front of those who did not choose to smoke, it
needs to be stopped. Just take a walk and smoke as much as you want as long as you are far from those who
did not choose to smoke.
P2: I am a smoker and I have little sisters. Scientists and researchers write different things every day,
and why should I believe that they are correct to say that second-hand smoking influences the health of my
P3: I think actually that there should be a law, which will prohibit smoking among non-smokers, in -
cluding children. There should be a special place for them. It is unfair to ruin others health.
P4: Smoking breaks non-smokers’ rights. In our everyday life we often communicate with smokers
and whether we want it or not, we have to breath in the smell of tobacco around us. It is known that smoking
is more dangerous for so-called passive smokers because it does a lot of harm to their health although they
are unwilling to do it. So, I believe everyone should have the right not to be a passive smoker.
Question: Do your friends smoke? What would you do in case they smoke near you?
Аргументы «за» и «против» запрета на курение:
Т: In some countries people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office build -
ings. In the USA the campaign to beat the cigarette habit has acquired a purposeful nature. Special legisla -
tive, medical and educational measures are being worked out. We know that the problem of smoking is ur -
gent for our country and our school too, especially for senior students, that`s why I want to discuss it on our
talk-show and work out some measures to decrease the number of smokers.
Р1: It goes without saying that cigarette smoke is harmful to one's health. Many smokers are aware of
this fact and yet continue smoking. That is their own problem. It is not fair,
however, that non-smokers
should be forced to breathe second-hand smoke. In fact, there are several strong arguments to support the po-
sition that smoking should be banned in all public places.
Р2: Yes, and first of all, every individual has an inviolable right to health and safety. It is unjust that
simply visiting a public place could be hazardous to one's health.
In this sense, the act of smoking in an en-
closed space is not only inconsiderate toward non-smokers, but even criminal.
P3: The ban on smoking in public places might also be supported by the fact that the inconvenience it
causes smokers is very small. Those who feel the urge to light up can always step outside for a few minutes
or smoke in a special area designated for smoking. They might even find their cigarette more pleasurable and
satisfying if smoking it means taking a break from whatever they were doing and spending a few minutes re-
laxing outside.
P4: Restricting the space where smoking is permitted can only have positive results. The air in public
places will always be clean and fresh and will pose no health hazards to anyone. When smokers find that
they are forbidden to smoke in many places, they might begin smoking less and less and may even be en -
couraged to quit for good. Perhaps one day, the entire world will even be smoke free.
P5: I think that smoking is dangerous and it should be punished. Smoking deserves punishment be -
cause it does a lot of harm to people’s health and kills about 3 million people every year.
P6: Smoking is officially banned in all public places in 114 countries. Russia joined them about two
years ago. Nowadays people are not allowed to smoke on board the plane, in buses, on the trains, in school,
theatres, cinemas etc. This fact shows that these governments understand the importance of the problem and
take certain measures to protect non-smokers’ rights.
Question: Do you have any information if a long period of non-smoking has negative effect on
smokers’ health (for example, on the plane)?
P7: This argument doesn’t seem to be convincing either. The speaker has said that a smoker breaks a
non-smoker’s rights while smoking near the latter. But on the other hand, if people don’t like the smell of to-
bacco and don’t want to damage their health, they can leave the room or step aside. And what about smok-
ers? They have the right to smoke and when smoking is banned in public places they suffer greatly because
they have no choice and it is as punishment for them. That’s why I think that governments break smokers’
rights as well. So, smoking does not deserve punishment because both smokers and non-smokers break each
other’s rights.
P8: Smoking is economically unprofitable. Needless to say, smokers spend a great deal of money buy-
ing cigarettes every day. An average smoker spends about 500 roubles a month. The cheaper cigarettes are,
the more dangerous they are. So, a person who chooses less dangerous cigarettes should spend more money
buying them. Then, a smoker has to spend a lot of money buying medicine in case he has trouble with his
health. All our findings speak for the motion that smoking is evil and it deserves punishment. We think it is
true and we’ve done our best to justify it.
P9: I can give some opposite facts. Due to statistics, tobacco in grown in 120 countries and the tobacco
industry has been successfully developing nowadays. That is why, firstly, smoking is economically profitable
for tobacco producers. The more tobacco they produce, the more profit they get. For example, company
Marlboro had an income of 30 billion dollars in 1999. Secondly, the tobacco industry provides many people
with jobs. Statistics shows that 600 000 people are involved in the process of growing tobacco and about 100
000 people are involved in the process of cigarette production. Besides, many people are busy transporting
and selling cigarettes and tobacco.
Question: Do you know if tobacco companies hold any charity activities?
Заключительное слово ведущего:
Present time is the time of appearing great social problems which are the threat of the future of
mankind, because they carry us to the collapse of moral values.
We hope that the youth will carry on a more healthy way of life. The government will pay attention to
the youth problems.
We should unite forces of the youth & our leaders.
We should unite to fight against smoking, drinking alcohol and drug addiction as the most terrible evil
on the Earth.
We hope that our participants CHOOSE LIFE.
We believe in you!
We believe that in our town wonderful, nice & clever young people live!
(учащиеся садятся на места)
T: - What conclusions can we make?
(учащиеся говорят, какие выводы они сделали из урока)
- You are absolutely right. And I hope you won’t forget about our today’s discussion.
- And now Helen Scobeleva is going to recite us the appeal to the youth of our town. Let’s greet
her with cheers.
(рассказывает стихотворение-призыв, Приложение 1)
T: - You can see the sheets of paper before you. And you can see the most accurate words on them.
Let’s scan them all together.
(скандирование стихотворения, Приложение 2)
T: - You haven’t got homework for next lesson. Thank you for your work, it was excellent. Good bye.