
Исконно русские и заимствованные слова

Автор: Чупина Наталья Васильевна
Должность: учитель русского языка и литературы
Учебное заведение: МОБУ "СОШ №90"
Населённый пункт: р.п. Чунский, Иркутская область
Наименование материала: разработка урока
Тема: Исконно русские и заимствованные слова
Раздел: среднее образование


Урок английского языка в 8 «A» классе

Тема урока: 'Shopping: Food' (Еда)

Цели урока:

 формирование коммуникативных навыков учащихся;  формирование навыков аудирования иноязычной речи;  активизация и систематизация материала по теме 'Food';  формирование умения применять лексику с позиции коннативного значения;
 развитие языковой и познавательной способности, готовности к коммуникации;  развитие умения анализировать, обобщать, делать выводы;  формирование самостоятельной познавательной деятельности учащихся;  развитие памяти, внимания, воображения;  развитие интеллектуального и эмоционального потенциала обучающихся;  расширение эрудиции учащихся, их лингвистического и общего кругозора;
 повышение уровня мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;  формирование культуры здорового образа жизни, правильного питания;  воспитание культуры общения: развитие умения отстаивать свою точку зрения, развитие культуры взаимоотношений при работе в коллективе и в парах;  формирование толерантности в отношении к культуре своего и других народов.
Тип урока:
Урок активизации и систематизации изученного материала.
Виды взаимодействия:
фронтальная, групповая и парная работа.
коммуникативная общекультурная информационная учебно-познавательная личностного самосовершенствования
Оснащение урока:

компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, демонстрационный экран аудиоматериал: видеофильм 'Food' раздаточный материал: пословицы программное обеспечение: программа Power Point



Ход урока:


Организационный момент. Приветствие

Good morning everybody! Let's start our English lesson. We have no time to waste.
Are you ok?-I hope so. How is it going? How are you getting on? How's life ? How are you today? What's new? How are things? How is everything? As good as gold Same as always Same old, same old Not bad No news No complaints I have my ups and downs Pleased to hear that nice to hear that I
I. Речевая зарядка

Have a look at the pictures and remember the proverbs:
Walls have ears A friened in need is a friend indeed An apple a day keeps a doctor away Better late then never No news is good news All is well that ends well East or west – home is best Like father like son In one ear and out the other Other times other manners
Great! Well done!
5 -7мин.

III. Основная часть урока

1.Постановка цели урока:
Let's get down to work. The theme of our lesson today is “food”. We are going to revise all we know about food. We’ll use different words and phrases, questions and answers, conversations and reports about food. We’ll also watch a film about food, do exercises and discuss the film.
2. Речевая зарядка. Ответы на вопросы по теме 'Food'
Answer my questions and give your arguments if possible: Are you a big eater? (No, I'm not. I'm afraid to become fat) How many meals a day do you usually have? (I usually have four meals) Do you have a sweet tooth? (I adore sweets and chocolates) Are you a good cook? What are you good at? Where do you have your meals on Sunday? Do you like to eat out? What's your favourite place in Kazan (cafe, pizza place, snackbar) What do vegeterians eat? What's your usual breakfast like? Do you eat much? Is it a big breakfast? What food are you fond of? How often do you eat fast food? What food do you dislike? What is worth cooking for dinner? What food do you adore? What food can't you stand? What is the best meal: for a vegeterian? for a romantic evening? for a hot summer day? for a friend who's on a diet? What is the best meal for a child's birthday party?
6-7 мин.


Активизация лексического материала по теме «Еда»
а) упражнение на закрепление лексики «Виды упаковки» a) Can you remember seven containers for food? Look at the vocabulary (на доске) and match the containers and the words below. A packet of A bottle of A tin of A can of A carton of A box of A jar of Crisps, sourcream, fish, biscuits, ketchup, sweets, sugar, honey, milk, chocolates, coffee, green peas, orange juice, oil
3-4 мин
б) Активизация лекико-грамматического материала b)
Say, what people have to do to keep fit? What do you think is a healthy diet?
(use modal verbs 'should/shouldn't', 'must/mustn't') You mustn't take a taxi You should go to the gym (swimming pool) you should eat healthy food You mustn't play computer games a lot You shouldn't eat fat food You should do morning exercises You must not eat spicy food You should not smoke You should not eat bread or butter You shouldn't use a lift You should walk a lot You should take a cold shower every day (использовать разговорные фразы:
I think, to my mind, I'm sure that, as far as I know)

3-4 мин


Аудирование. Работа с видеофильмом 'Food'

I) Преддемонстрационный этап.
а) Do you know anything about food in Britain? Do you remember the names of any traditional British food? (bacon, eggs, sandwiches, puddings, Christmas turkey, fish and chips, jam, tea …)
2 мин
Look at the board. Read and try to understand the meaning of the new words:
a cauliflower – a vegetable with green leaves around a large hard white head of flowers (a sort of cabbage) a cod – a large sea fish used for food a serving (of fish and chips) – an amount of food for one person convenience food – food that you buy frozen and can cook very quickly and easily vinegar – a liquid with a bitter taste used in salads
3-4 мин
транскрипция! II.
Демонстрационный этап.
(первое прослушивание) 1.
Watch the first episode without sound
(с 55 секунды). What does the family have for breakfast? (milk and cereal, toast with jam and marmalade, fruit juice, tea and coffee, bacon, eggs, sausage, tomato, fried bread) 2.
Watch the episode again
(with sound)(поставить с самого начала up to: 'only four hours to lunch'). Find out the difference between the usual and the traditional British breakfast. (the usual breakfast is milk and cereal, toast with jam and marmalade, fruit juice, tea or coffee; the traditional breakfast:bacon, eggs, sausage, tomato, fried bread) What is the usual (the traditional) breakfast like? 3.
Listen to the text to the end.
You should name other kinds of food. (a sandwich, a snack, fresh food, convenience food, roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, meat, fish, vegetables, pizza, pasta, ice-ream, salad, cheese, cheeseburgers, cauliflower, sausages, onions, cod, chocolate, fish and chips) 4.
Answer the questions:
When do milkmen bring milk to people's houses? (before breakfast) Where do most people buy their food? (in the supermarkets) What do the British have for lunch? (Meat or fish and vegetables. Pizza and pasta are popular, too) When do people have the main meal? (in the evening) Do people in Britain have only British food? (No, they don't. They also go to foreign restaurants) What nationality are the restaurants in Britain? (Chinese, Thai, Italian, Indian) What's the most popular traditional food in Britain? (fish ans chips)
12-15 мин

(второе прослушивание) с 1.40 секунды до конца: 5.
Listen again.

Pay attention to children's likes and dislikes and also to the

(после прослушивания) What do British teenagers like?(ice-cream, chips and cheeseburgers, chocolate, pasta with cheese on top, bacon, salad) What do they hate? (cauliflower, onions, pasta, vegetables, meat and fish, sausages)

Look at the blackboard! Try to complete the sentences with numbers from

the box:
three hundred hour six 3.50 forty two seven 1. Dinner is usually at about … or … o'clock. 2. British people eat … … million servings of fish and chips a year. 3. At lunchtime people usually have a break of an … . 4. London has restaurants from over … … different countries. 5. Here you are. That's £ … , please.

Let's do the next exercise. Choose the correct words in the sentences


I like pasta with loads of cheese above / on top.
You just put convenience food in the cooker/ oven.
Britain has a lot of foreign/ foreigner restaurants.
I especially/ specially like ice-cream.
The British usually buy fast/ convenience food in supermarkets.
Most people have the chief/ main/ basic meal in the evening.
At/ During lunchtime people usually have a sandwich or a snack.
The Robinson/ The Robinsons usually prepare their own meal.
10 мин

III.Последемонстрационный этап.
Speaking. Make up short dialogues. Imagine that your friend has just come back from England. You are interested in British food. Ask him questions. Use the ideas in the box to help you. fast food typical food snacks
popular food foreign food usual breakfast traditional breakfast tea delicious food disgusting for dinner
5-7 мин

Заключительный этап

а) подведение итогов урока
T.: Well done. Thank you very much. So to sum up say what new information have you learnt? Which of the activities at the lesson were more interesting for you? Did you like the film? Can you speak about British food now? (ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя).
б) выставление оценок
Everybody has worked hard today, you have done your best. I'll put you only good marks for the lesson.
в) домашнее задание
Now you can speak about British food now. Your hometask for the next lesson will be to make up a topic about food in another country. It shouldn't be Britain but it might be Russia , France, Germany, so any country you would like to choose. Use the Internet. The bell has gone. The lesson is over. You are free. Thank you. Good-bye ! GOOD LUCK! Cl - Thank you. Good-bye.

2-3 мин

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